Welcome to VinhTESOL 2024!

25–26 Oct 2024
Building A4
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

How Can I Teach Intercultural Communication Skills?

25 Oct 2024, 10:00
1h 30m
Meeting Hall (8th floor - Administration Building)

Meeting Hall

8th floor - Administration Building

Vinh University, 182 Le Duan, Vinh, Nghe An, Vietnam
Hands-on Workshop Teaching the English language skills Pre-conference Workshops


Andrew Duenas (National Geographic Learning)


Many language course books include lessons on culture. Sometimes, these lessons include information about the way of life in the U.S. or the U.K. with little reflection on where the learner fits within that culture. What does this mean for students who don’t see their own values or cultures reflected in the learning materials? How can we help students to value their own culture as an equal player in global or multi-national communicational situations?

In this workshop, teachers will hear about an approach to integrating intercultural communication into the English language classroom, developed by ELT experts from National Geographic Learning academic consultant Andy Duenas. This approach brings together students’ own culture and perspectives and places them within the context of another speaker’s cultural perspective. Andy will describe and demonstrate classroom activities to build students’ intercultural competence and communication skills, so that students have the knowledge required to interpret the meaning of utterances in intercultural communication and to negotiate meaning effectively.

Primary author

Andrew Duenas (National Geographic Learning)

Presentation materials

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