Role playing is a classroom teaching technique that encourages students to participate actively in their English language learning. It reduces anxiety and shyness in language learners by allowing them to practice the target language in authentic settings (Tompkins, 1998), which improves their communicative competence. However, setting up and executing role-play exercises can be challenging for teachers and students at lower proficiency levels. These students can have trouble with their insufficient language skills. It takes great thought and preparation on the part of teachers to modify role-playing tasks. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes an invaluable ally for educators and learners. The presentation aims to explore the benefits that both teachers and students can derive from using AI technology in role-play exercises. The talk begins by recapping the theoretical foundations of role-play in language learning and outlining potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in role-playing. The advantages for instructors and students are then emphasized. Finally, practical approaches to incorporating AI into role-play will be discussed, including tool selection and implementation techniques.
Keywords: role-play; artificial intelligence; lower-level students