Welcome to VinhTESOL 2024!

Abstract Instructions

Instructions on Submitting an Abstract

The Title

Your title appears in the convention program and app. As such, it should be clear to the intended audience and accurately reflect the content of the presentation. Maximum of 10 words

  • No exclamation or question marks
  • Only approved acronyms/abbreviations

Capitalization Rules

  • Capitalize the first letter of the title and most words, including
    the word after a hyphen, slash, or colon.
  • Use lower case for the first letter of articles, prepositions, and
    conjunctions of three or fewer letters.

Capitalization Examples

An Exploration of Identity in TESOL Self-Reflection as Practice

The Abstract

The abstract is a concise description of your proposal. It appears in the conference program book and app for attendees to find sessions of interest. It is also scored by reviewers in the rating process. Consider including key words your audience may search for. Please note that the conference staff editors reserve the right to edit abstracts for length and clarity.

  • Maximum of 300 words.
  • Do NOT include presenter name(s)or institution(s) or publication(s).
  • Do NOT include citations; they will be removed

The Presenter(s)
There might be multiple authors of your abstract but there must be at least one presenter who will deliver the presentation based on the accepted abstract at the conference. Please make sure you choose at least one author as a presenter using the microphone icon on the submission form as seen above the red arrow in the image below: