Self-discipline is seen as a key to assisting non-English majored students in conquering the challenging mountain of the English language. It is advised that for their own sake, they should follow a lifelong learning strategy towards this foreign language. The study investigates the ways in which university students consider English a lifelong learning subject, especially those who own self-discipline during the process of language learning at a tertiary institution. The major research method is in-depth interviews with non-English major students attending English courses to figure out their opinions related to the topic of the study. Findings revealed that most of the participants recognized the importance of English on their way to becoming graduates, and postgraduates or to lead successful careers and implement a lifelong learning orientation. The rest took English courses as must-learn ones to fulfill their credits to complete their journeys at university. At the end of the research, pedagogical implications in language teaching and learning are proposed in detail.
Keywords: non-English major students, self-discipline, lifelong learning